Elizabeth is AMAZING. Seriously.....
Before her CAT scan she had to drink 12oz of a disgusting contrast. It would be hard enough to do on a normal day, but given she has been wretching and dry heaving and feels so sick, it seemed an impossible task. For many it would be impossible. Not for Liz. She is so strong, she did it. She has always had this amazing self control when it comes to doing things we ask her to do to her body. I literally had images flash through my head of her giving birth or talking herself through a scary experience....she can do anything.
This was her face after her first sip...
As amazing as she is everyone needs some motivation....tonight, hers is money. I cheered her on (literally with a song and dance) and Walt waved money in her face. I counted and coaxed and told her ow very strong she is and how proud I am of her.
.... and she did it! Super nauseous and in pain, she got down 12 ounces of yuck! Now we wait two hours and then she goes into the CT machine...which may cost me another $30!
$30! Lizzie girl up the ante for the CT scan! Way to go Noel's! You are in our prayers.