What a big day! Jackson was off to his first day at a "real" school and the girls are the big kids on campus as they started their fifth grade year.
We were unsure if Liz would be able to attend school today. Not only did she attend, she lasted the whole (Minimum Day schedule) day. She said she was going to ask me to come get her around 1:20 because her stomach hurt, but she decided to make it to the 2:00 bell.
I have to tell you how much easier it is to send her to class when she is not well because I know she has a wonderful teacher. Ms. Bonetati happened to teach first grade when the girls were that age and she was their teacher that year. Liz had just had major, major stomach surgery and returned to school recovering and eating only baby food. I was a nervous wreck, but having Bonetati proved to be a perfect match. She was (and still is) caring and watchful, but not dramatic at all, and she is sure to not single Liz out or draw attention to her "special tummy." Liz can be drama when it comes to all things girly but when it comes to her health, she wants no extra attention and surely would like her classmates to have no idea she may not feel well.
Ms. Bonetati has become a friend and she knows of Elizabeth's situation. That crazy, kind lady wrote the Principal and offered to have Liz in her class this year, going further and saying she would help Liz catch-up when needed and even visit our home to help her during times she is out for longer periods. This is a huge blessing because, frankly, the system is crappy. In Long Beach to get home instruction, a student must be out for four weeks consecutively. Anyway, Ms. Bonetati is a perfect match and I am happy she has both Elizabeth and Kaitlin in her class this year!
My partner-in-crime...or partner-in-love. I never knew what it was like to have one child because the twins were my first. Having Jackson the year the girls started Kinder gave me plenty of alone time with my little man over the years. Oh how I will miss my fun time with him. Who is going to play cars with me during the day?
I had tears. Jax had a smile. He said "let's do this!" and waved goodbye.
Last year on the first day of school....
......and this year.....
Here's to a fantastic fifth grade year, girls. I can't wait to see how you grow this year....just try to slow it down a bit, my mommy-heart can't handle too much 5th gradeness all at once.
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