My Superhero loves me; he adores me! The older I get, the more I realize there are few things I know for sure - my Jackson adoring me is one of those least for now.
Years ago I saw a news segment about a missing woman. Her young daughter was asked to describe her mommy's appearance and she replied "She looks like a princess. You should just look for a princess" For obvious reasons, as a mom the very thought tugged at my heart.
Jackson often asks to brush my hair and if I give him a penny, he'll give me a neck massage. If he's loving me especially on a certain day, he'll tell me I can keep the penny and he'll do it for free.
He fights with his sisters to sit next to me at dinner and he loves to help me with chores. If he likes me most, I even get to be the dinosaurs wen we play and not the cars...the dinos always win the cars in fights, he says.
I expect much from my little guy because, after all, he will one day turn into a man and it is our job to raise him to be a kind, respectable, responsible man of God. At his young age he accepts my challenges for good behavior and kindness eagerly as he so wants to please me. I realize this may change as he gets older, but for now just a nod of approval from me makes him happy.
Yesterday as Jack sat cuddled next to me,I had the memory of that news story flash into my thoughts. I have no doubt that in Jackson's world, I am a princess. That will fade, I am sure, but for now, I will soak it in.
Only one word: Precious!