Life is wonderful and difficult... and I am grateful!

Friday, March 16, 2012


When the girls were just about 18 months old, I was told about a group called MOMS (Making Our Mothering Significant). I could have kissed the woman who shared news of the group with me, as I was a young mom who's friends did not have children, so I felt pretty isolated in my stay-home-mommy-ness. Joining MOMS was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. In fact, when I learn of a first time mom, I always offer-up the advice to find a mom's group.

For me, MOMS brought sanity, a sense of community, advice, support and friendship for myself and my kids. Not every mom I have come in contact with at MOMS has become a friend, and some are casual friends or acquaintances.
Others, though,  are lifetime sister friends. We have laughed over being spit up on in the most awkward of circumstances. We've cried together at news of a sick child or parent. We've laughed over our many learning moments as mothers - mistakes that thankfully our children won't remember. We have encouraged one another in our marriages. We've watched each other's children while one of us has been in labor or been sick. We have attended the funeral of one of our parents.  We've held each other up when one of us is too exhausted to stand alone.We've brought meals to each other's families after the birth of a child, or loss of a baby. We love each other's children and husbands simply because we love each other. We've brought pink roses to each other after news that a mom of boys was not pregnant with a girl, but instead, another baby boy.
And our children- oh, don't get me started on them. To watch our kids grow up and to remember how each precious one looked in my friends' arms as infants, and how they looked as toddlers playing together.... sweet, sweet memories.

I cannot remember the reason for every round of laughter or every good cry we've had, but I will always remember the way these women, these friends, have made me feel - supported, cared for, and as though I was not alone in motherhood.

A few of these girlfriends have had the nerve to move away from the group (!!!) and each separation felt like a family member leaving. Wonderfully, though, the distance may be great, but time and miles do not change anything- we can pick up where we left off.

Thursday, one of the "movers" was in town, and a group of us went to lunch. I could not have been more happy as we sat at a table for hours (as our kids played) and talked. Real, vulnerable, hysterical, loving, meaningful and silly- all at the same time- we talked.

What brought us together was motherhood (the good, the bad, the ugly, the beauty of motherhood!!)   and what keeps us friends is how we are as women- as girlfriends.
Goodness, I am grateful for friendship and girlfriends!

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