....is getting married in July. His gorgeous fiance, Brooke, should be in the photo I post about his wedding, but I figured I should get her permission before posting a photo of her. Since it is 4 1/2 (!!!) hours ahead of our time in Newfoundland (seriously, it's like they live in space that place is so far away!), I cannot call her, so this photo of Travis with Jax will have to do.
Anyway, my (big) baby brother is getting married in July-in Maine- and we are going, of course! Rather than make it a quick trip, we will spend nine days back East. So excited! Walter and I have been without kids, and the kids and I went without Walt, but this will be our first time as a family and I cannot wait. It will be extra sweet because our trip last summer was cancelled due to Liz's hospitalization. We're going this time, no matter what! I didn't even buy the airfare insurance- that's how serious I am about this.
Liz is sick again. Jackson and Kate have had colds (though Kate will tell you she is not sick, as she hacks away) and now Liz and I are sick (though I am saying the same as Kate :) ). When her doctor called to check in today and heard about Liz being sick again she said "oh, for goodness sake!"
Exactly what I am thinking! Alright, not exactly. If you know me well, you know I am really thinking "oh, for crap's sake!", but I am trying to do better at not using that phrase.
Anyway, Liz is sick and because of that, her liver studies and her pulmonary function test cannot be done on Monday. She was also scheduled to have a weight check tomorrow, but we'll hold off on that too as we know she hasn't gained any weight the last two days while she's been sick. I am fine with waiting a few extra days for the tests because I want results that show her true numbers, not results that are affected by a virus.
Please, please pray that her cold stays simple. If she gets a sinus infection or pneumonia (which has been her norm), she will need antibiotics, which will cause her CDifficile to come back. Same old cycle.
Anyway, we're praying hard over here for the cold to remain just a cold.
Her doctor also reminded me today that we are to follow the "101' and run" mindset with Liz until we're told otherwise. That is, if she gets a temp of 101', we are to go directly to the Pediatrician or ER. I hope the professionals know that a little rhyme only irritates a parent, and does not serve as a cute reminder.
Thank you for continuing to care about my family!
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