Life is wonderful and difficult... and I am grateful!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is there real estate in heaven?

There has been talk of heaven in our home lately, by the girls. Many questions that tear at a mommy's heart.... and at least one that still makes me smile. "Mom, is there real estate in heaven?" To truly appreciate this question, you have to know how interested the girls are with anything having to do with homes and real estate. This is purely my doing. They have a TV in their room and fall asleep with it on each night. Elizabeth, especially when she was younger, was so used to the noise of a hospital and the glare from machines that she did better falling asleep with the TV on. Over time though, we realized having one of her shows on was not going to work. So, the girls fall asleep to the Home and Garden network. Scratch that, they used to fall asleep to that. They now LOVE the channel so much that we've had to switch to them going to sleep to the Food Network. Anyway, they know much to much about real estate for 9 year olds. In fact they tel me weekly that our home would be worth more if we would invest in upgrading the kitchen. And when we chose granite for the bath remodel, they approved saying that buyers would appreciate that attention to detail. Ha!
So, when they asked about real estate in heaven, my heart smiled.
It is easy to give answers to questions about heaven in most situations. But when I have had Liz ask me about heaven while she is on the gurney awaiting surgery, I cannot tell you how difficult it is to answer that. When she has asked "Could I die in surgery?" I have been honest. So difficult.
Lately, Liz has asked me "who will be there to meet me if no one I know is already there?"
Heart wrenching. My stomach turned and I gasped. Of course reaction is to say "Oh NO, Liz, I will be there waiting for you!"
I can't promise that, though. None of us can. And so I have to assure her that she will be welcomed first by Him and then by many who love and care for her (...and most likely me); that that would happen for any of us.
I was talking to a friend yesterday about this. I shared with her that I want the kids to know, without question or hesitation, that heaven is such a safe and wonderful place; that they won't be afraid of it. I then told her "I think Elizabeth knows. Why do you think she would, but not the other two?" My sweet friend answered "Because she has felt the hand of God before. He has been there and she has felt Him. Kate and Jack will have that one day too, but for Liz, she has already felt Him stand beside her."
It is easier to be less afraid of heaven, less afraid of dying when we know Christ.
One day, I will be there with all of them, in some awesome real estate!

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