Life is wonderful and difficult... and I am grateful!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Boys Will Be...

Jackson insisted on wearing his collar "popped" yesterday. I thought for sure that he would put it down sometime during his school day, but nope, when I picked him up that collar was still standing up, hugging his cute little neck.
My brother has an issue with popped collars, and so I instantly think of him when I see a guy sporting one. I told Jackson that Uncle Travis doesn't like collars up like that and he responded by telling me that Uncle Travis doesn't have to look at him!

My little guy is changing. He has gone from my overly obedient, calm little boy to being, well, all boy. This undoubtedly stems from the fact that he is in school now, surrounded by boys, rather than being home with me and spending most of his time with sisters and girl cousins. Jackson has always enjoyed time just hanging out and has been so mellow...until now.

And like all men, he confuses me. One minute he is telling me something super sweet. Like yesterday, when he came to sit next to me and I asked him why he smelled like he was wearing Kate's lotion.
He said "Because it smells so good I can't stand it and I don't have a wife to hug yet!"
Of course my sentimental femaleness translated that as he likes the way girls smell and he doesn't have a wife to hold and snuggle up to, while taking in her perfume or lotion. {Walter Noel, I know you are rolling your eyes at this point, thinking that isn't at all what he meant, but you better not say a word to me otherwise!}
Sweet, sweet boy, right?
Cut to today when he got upset with Liz and spit in her face! My child spit in someone's face! I was so shocked I just stood still at first. How could my boy spit? In. A. Face! He was just wearing girly lotion yesterday. Nice, yummy-scented lotion-appreciating boys do not spit!

I am learning that this whole raising a son thing isn't going to be as easy as I thought. I personally do not accept a boys will be boys way of thinking. Boys will be boys, yes. I must allow him to be rough and tumble, messy at times, a bit crazy, a bit dumb (c'mon, you know this is true), a bit detached. However, I won't let him grow to be disrespectful or dirty or mean or bad, using "boys will be boys" as an excuse for behavior. This is a line I am learning to walk.

I love my son. O' how I love my snugly, caring, loving-life little boy. I just must learn to accept that he is starting the long process of growing into a little man...and I'll have to mourn that for a bit.

*** If you too have a little guy (or THREE little men, as she does!!), you will appreciate the insight and honesty of my friend Wendy. She keeps a blog that can be found here:

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