Life is wonderful and difficult... and I am grateful!

Monday, January 30, 2012

I cling

Do you remember me telling you about my friend Holly's son, Spencer... as in, Stage IV cancer Spencer? Do you know that he just had his nine month (since ending treatment)scans and they are CLEAR?!
Do you remember me telling you about our little friend Alyssa, who during treatment for Leukemia developed Herpes Encephalitis and consequently lost her sight, then just last year had 2/3 of her brain removed in an effort to stop seizures and save her life? Today she had a scan and her brain looks so wonderful!

I cling to these stories, because they are reminders of how much of a difference time makes. How someone can be so, so sick and just a short time later be wonderfully well. Miraculous in those cases, actually.

Today we had an appointment at Millers with Pulmonary and Immunology. Pulmonary was a pretty simple visit (with a handsome new doctor seeing us today, if you ask Liz her opinion!); Liz's lungs still aren't expanding the way they would like and she'll have a lung function test soon. Another time this may be enough to worry me, but we have bigger things to tackle, and eerily, hearing concern over something like, um, breathing, doesn't phase me right now.

Liz's Immunologist, Dr. Brilliant, was not too happy to hear that I'd had an appointment at CHLA with an Immunologist there who takes issue with some things he's said. Dr. Brilliant also doesn't like that all of the specialties working with Liz haven't been communicating with each other (this I agree with!). There is much I could write about the visit, but it is all just too much. So, for the purpose of prayer and for journaling for me, here are the biggest things from today's visit-
* Liz had a bone age study done this afternoon. As the name states, this will check her bone age-how she is growing- and also give insight into whether she could be dealing with a disease that effects growth.
* We're going to go ahead with inhaled antibiotics, given daily. Hopefully this will help keep her from getting sinus infections and pneumonia, which require oral antibiotics which in-turn cause her CDifficile to reoccur.
* I am going to decide if we want to take her to Boston, Cincinnati, Texas or Philadelphia soon to see teams there.
* Blah, blah, blah!

Tomorrow we will head back to the hospital for another full day. She'll spend a few hours in the Infusion Center to get IV fluids because she is still dehydrated, she is sick with a cold, she looks awful, and we're hoping some fluids will help perk her up.
After that, we'll see Hematology/Oncology and get their input on what the heck we should do about the bone marrow and talk about when another bone marrow aspiration should be done. So. Over. It.

Please pray for our decisions over the next few weeks. Also that Liz's cold will not progress to anything worse. Pray too for her little spirit as she's feeling pretty down, I think.
Today she said "Mama, I am disappointed because I am missing my biggest year at school." So sad.

All this talk is a downer, right?! I'll end by telling you that my little guy keeps me smiling.
His latest- "Mommy, I feel like I'm going to throw up, so I need to go to a quiet restaurant because Lizzie's talking is hurting my eyes so I can't stand the noise here! Can we go to sushi?!"
Wow. All that just to try to get a dinner out : ) Love that kid.

I also love my adorable Kate, who is growing so old right before my eyes and who rocks a pair of glasses in such a cute-sophisticated-fashionable-nerdy way that I just can't stand it!

And I am super grateful for my health. Like, SUPER grateful!

Finally, I am overwhelmed with happiness for Holly and Juliette. To go through war with your little loves and to have come out on the other side with your healthy kids... what a difference a year makes. I can't wait to watch Spence and Aly grow up. I am inspired by your families.

Tomorrow is a new day! Oooo, it's tortilla soup Tuesday at the hospital! See, a positive!

{He gives power to the weary and to those that are weak He gives strength. Isaiah 40:29}

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